Friday, December 4, 2009

More Boy Stuff

I recently took a trip to the fabric store and only bought fabric for boy car seat blankets. It was hard. Not because I don't like boy colors or boys in general, there is just not much to choose from. What the heck, fabric designers? Throw me a bone.

So I bought some bug fabric I've used before and paired it with a cool blue flannel:

(My back drop for the next few months will be my dirty patio. Enjoy.)

Then I found this awesome fabric for someone who is having a real boy and needs the world to know it.

How fun is that?! Both sides of that one are flannel - nice and soft. If you're into that. :)

1 comment:

amylouwhosews said...

have you seen Alexander Henry's Traffic Jam? It's adorable. You might have to buy it online though.